Course-Related Readings (available on ANGEL course website)


9/11/08 guest lecture (Applications to Hurricane Power Dissipation)


Sriver, R., Huber, M., Low frequency variability in globally integrated tropical cyclone power Dissipation,  Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L11705, doi:10.1029/2006GL026167, 2006.


Maue, R.N.,  Hart, R.E., Comment on ‘‘Low frequency variability in globally integrated tropical cyclone power dissipation’’,  Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L11704, doi:10.1029/2007GL029413, 2007


Sriver, R., Huber, M., Reply to comment by R. N. Maue and R. E. Hart on ‘‘Low frequency variability in globally integrated tropical cyclone power dissipation’’,  Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L11704, doi:10.1029/2007GL029413, 2007


9/23/08 guest lecture (Tropical Cyclone ocean mixing/heat transport)


Sriver, R. L., and M. Huber (2007), Observational evidence for an ocean heat pump induced by tropical cyclones, Nature, 447, 577-580, doi:10.1038/nature05785.


Korty, R. L, Emanuel, K. A., and J. R. Scott (2008), Tropical cyclone-induced upper ocean mixing and climate: Application to equable climates, J. Clim., 21, 638-654.


Liu, L. L., W. Wang, and R. X. Huang (2008), The mechanical input to the ocean induced by tropical cyclones, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 38, 1253-1256.


9/25/08 guest lecture (Climate Change Impacts on Tropical Cyclones)


Knutson, T. R., Sirutis, J. J., Garner, S. T., Vecchi, G. A., Held, I. M. Simulated reduction in Atlantic hurricane frequency under twenty-first-century warming conditions.  Nature Geosciences 1, 359-364.


Emanuel, K., Sundararajan, R., Williams, J. Hurricanes and Global Warming. Bull Am. Met. Soc. 89, 347-367.


lectures 14-15, 11/13/08 and 11/18/08 (Energy Balance Models):


Read following online summaries (abstracted from:  Climate Modeling Primer, A. Henderson-Sellers and K. McGuffie, Wiley, pg. 58, 1987):

Zero-Dimensional EBM:

One-Dimensional EBM:


lectures 16-18 (General Circulation Models):

Hansen, J., Russell, G., Rind, D., Stone, P., Lacis, A., Lebedeff, S., Ruedy, R., Travis, L., Efficient Three-Dimensional Global Models for Climate Studies: Models I and II, Monthly Weather Review, 111, 609-661, 1983.

see also ‘Ed GCM’ project at Columbia University


lectures 19-20 (General Circulation Models):

Cane, M.A., Zebiak, S.E., Clement, A., A Model El Nino-Southern Oscillation,  Monthly Weather Review, 115, 2262-2278, 1987  [make sure to read the appendix, which provides detailed descriptions of the model governing equations].


Mann, M.E., Cane, M.A., Zebiak, S.E., Clement, A., Volcanic and Solar Forcing of the Tropical Pacific Over the Past 1000 Years, Journal of Climate, 18, 447-456, 2005.