program cmplxdemod c c Copyright (C) 1995 c c Michael Mann c c perform envelope analysis in a moving loop through a given time c series c c v1.0 c c uses stripped version of original multitaper spectral code of c Jeffrey Park (c) c c mmax - maximum number of spatial dofs desired (ie, max # of time series) c ntapmax - maximum number of spectral dofs desired c nscanmax - maximum length of time series (may have to be increased!) c parameter (nscanmax=4000,ntapmax=3) real*8 ell,env0,sum,cs,sn real aaa(nscanmax),atot1(nscanmax,180),atot2(nscanmax,180) integer icount(nscanmax) c c character*4 chead(158) complex zed c common/npiprol/anpi common/nnaamm/iwflag common/work/b1(8194) common/taperz/ta(4100,16),tai(4100,16),dcf(4100,16),amu(4100,4) common/staple/tad(8200) common/stap2/tas(8192,16) common/stap4/cs(8200),sn(8200) common/envel1/ell(20) common/data/a(50000) c common/pltopt/npad,nst,mpts,nmin,nmax,t(3),fmin,fmax,nf, x ddt,nwin,inc,tt(3) c equivalence (zed,reim),(iy,dum),(iah,ahead),(iah,chead), x (tad,env0) c c dimension dum(35),ahead(158),env0(2,4100) iwflag=0 zero = 0.0 one = 1.0 pi=3.14159265358979 c c c c dt = time interval spacing in units of years c c here we're assuming monthly data c dt = 0.0833333 c c set frequency range for DFT, frequency spacing, zero c padding, etc. c ** NOTE: maximum padded DFT length is npad=8192 ** c c npad = 8192 c c f1 = minimum frequency for analysis = 0 c f2 = maximum frequency (in cyc/year -- this must always be c less than/equal to the nyquist sampling frequency = 0.5/dt) c ( presently set for the range 0 to 0.5 cycle year, or, periods greater c f1 = zero f2 = 0.5/dt c c c ddf=1./(npad*dt) eps=.1*ddf nf1=(f1+eps)/ddf nf2=(f2+eps)/ddf nf=nf2-nf1+1 nf = nf-1 nfmax = nf c t(1)=f1 t(2)=ddf t(3)=ddf nn1=(f1+eps)/ddf fmin=n1*ddf nn2=(f2+eps)/ddf fmax=n2*ddf nmin=nn1*2+1 nmax=nn2*2+2 c c c read in data c c *** this part of the program may have to modified depending c on data format *** c c here we assume input file format with dummy x column, c and y value taken from 2nd column c open (unit=15,file='',status='old') do i=1,nscanmax read (15,*,end=99) adum,aaa(i) end do 99 close (unit=15) c c determine length of series c nscan = i-1 c 222 format (4x,f6.2) write (6,*) 'read in: ' write (6,*) ' time series of length: ',nscan write (6,*) '(',nscan*dt, ' years long)' c c c get frequency, determine associated DFT index c write (6,*) 'frequency for complex demod (cycles/year):' read (5,*) freq iif = 1+(freq+eps)/ddf c c default settings c npi = 2 anpi=float(npi) nwin=3 imode = 0 nmode = 1 iseg = 0 n1 = 1 n2 = nscan npts = n2-n1+1 iformat = 0 iref = 1 jsmoo = 0 iaverage = 0 irecon = 0 imoderecon = 0 ioutput = 0 itype = 0 nbeg=1 nend = nscan neval = nscan nmove = nscan ninterv = nmove 444 write (6,*) 'present settings' write (6,*) '1) use',nwin, ' x ',npi,' pi tapers' write (6,*) '2) data interval (',nbeg,' to ',nend,' )' if (itype.eq.0) then write (6,*) $ '3) fixed interval (change this for time-dependent analysis)' else write (6,*) '3) evolutive analysis' write (6,*) ' --',nmove,' year moving window' write (6,*) ' --',ninterv,' year time step' endif if (jsmoo.eq.0) then write (6,*) '4) inversion type :minimum norm (gen advised)' else if (jsmoo.eq.1) then write (6,*) '4) inversion type: minimum slope' else write (6,*) '4) inversion type: minimum roughness' endif endif write (6,*) 'item to change (0=continue)' read (5,*) icont if (icont.eq.1) then goto 1111 else if (icont.eq.2) then goto 2222 else if (icont.eq.3) then goto 3333 else if (icont.eq.4) then goto 4444 else goto 9999 endif endif endif endif c c anpi = desired time/frequency bandwith "p" (ie, "p pi tapers") c nwin = number of tapers used (maximum is 2p-1) c 1111 write (6,*) 'time-frequency bandwidth product "p"' read (5,*) npinew if (*npinew-1) then write (6,*) 'sorry--exceeds maximum bandwidth' else write (6,*) 'number of tapers' read (5,*) nwinnew if (*npinew-1) then write (6,*) 'sorry--cannot exceed 2*p-1' else npi = npinew anpi = float(npi) nwin=nwinnew endif endif goto 444 2222 write (6,*) 'beginning time index' read (5,*) nbeg write (6,*) 'ending time index' read (5,*) nend nmove = nend-nbeg+1 neval = nend-nbeg+1 ninterv = nmove goto 444 3333 write (6,*) 'choose' write (6,*) '(0) fixed window' write (6,*) '(1) evolutive analysis' read (5,*) itype if (itype.eq.1) then write (6,*) '(WARNING--for some reason certain choices' write (6,*) 'of window and interval of parameters lead' write (6,*) 'to an error (zero output). If this happens,' write (6,*) 'make another choice. sorry!)' write (6,*) 'window width (in months e.g., 120 for 10 year)' read (5,*) nmove write (6,*) $ 'interval between evaluations (in months, e.g., 12 for 1 year)' read (5,*) ninterv endif goto 444 c c "minimum norm" : minimize the overall size of the envelope of the c oscillation. Generally the most faithful constraint, but c may artificially minimize amplitude ends of time interval. c "minimum slope" :minimize the average slope of the envelope of c the oscillation. Particularly useful for reconstructing c secular trends in the series which do not have the periodic c property of non-secular oscillations. c c "minimum roughness" : minimize the average 2nd derivative of the c envelope of the oscillation. Useful if the amplitude of the c envelope is believed to be changing abruptly near the ends of c the time interval c 4444 write (6,*) 'inversion for time domain' write (6,*) '(0) minimum norm' write (6,*) '(1) minimum slope' write (6,*) '(2) minimum roughness' read (5,*) jsmoo goto 444 c c we're happy with the settings. Continue... c 9999 open (unit=4,file='cmplxdemod-amp.out',status='unknown') open (unit=7,file='cmplxdemod-phase.out',status='unknown') c c construct tapers appropriate for window width c npts = nmove call taper(npts,nwin,ell) c write (6,*) 'nscan ',nscan write (6,*) 'neval ',neval write (6,*) 'nbeg ',nbeg write (6,*) 'nend ',nend write (6,*) 'dt ',dt write (6,*) 'npts ',npts write (6,*) 'nmove ',nmove write (6,*) 'ninterv ',ninterv niter = (neval+0.5-nmove)/ninterv + 1 write (6,*) 'beginning 1st of ',niter, ' iteration/s...' do i=1,nscan icount(i)=0 end do c c begin moving time window loop c do it = 1,niter n1 = 1+(it-1)*ninterv n2 = n1+npts-1 ncent = (n1+n2-1)/2 write (6,*) 'n1 n2 ',n1,n2 c c calculate DFTs c c demean gridpoint series locally c sum = 0. do i=n1,n2 sum = sum+aaa(i) end do sum = sum/float(npts) c c do iwin=1,nwin do i=1,npad b1(i)=0. end do do i=n1,n2 b1(i-n1+1)=(aaa(i)-sum)*tas(i+1-n1,iwin) end do call realft(b1,npad/2,1) b1(npad-1)=b1(2) b1(npad)=0. b1(2)=0. j=0 do i=1,npad,2 j=j+1 ta(j,iwin)=b1(i) tai(j,iwin)=b1(i+1) end do end do c c do time reconstructions c do i=1,2*nscanmax a(i)=0.0 end do c c decimate tapers c 1660 inc=(npts-1)/500+1 j=0 do i=1,npts,inc j=j+1 do k=1,nwin tas(j,k)=tas(i,k) end do end do mpts=j ddt=dt*inc c ifreq = iif ff0 = freq if (ifreq.eq.1) ta(ifreq,iwin)=ta(ifreq,iwin)/2.0 c c invert spectral envelope to get time envelope c call envel(ff0,jsmoo) call cossin(npts,cs,sn,1.d0,0.d0,dble(ff0),dble(dt)) finc=float(inc) c do i=1,mpts-1 ii=(i-1)*inc do j=1,inc im = ii+j a1=(env0(1,i)*(inc+1-j)+env0(1,i+1)*(j-1))/finc a2=(env0(2,i)*(inc+1-j)+env0(2,i+1)*(j-1))/finc envmag = sqrt(a1**2+a2**2) envphase = -180.0*atan2(a2,a1)/pi index = n1+im-1 imonth = mod(index-1,12)+1 c phase0 = (-float(imonth-1)+0.5)*dt*360.0 c phase0 = dt*360.0 c phase0 = 0.0 envphase = envphase + 360.0 if ( envphase=envphase-360.0 c phase0 = 15.0 phase0 = 0.0 envphase = envphase-phase0 c if ( envphase=envphase-360.0 c if ( envphase=envphase-360.0 c if ( envphase=envphase+360.0 c if ( envphase=envphase+360.0 if (index.eq.ncent) then icount(index)=icount(index)+1 atot1(index,icount(index))=envmag atot2(index,icount(index))=envphase endif end do end do c c linear extrapolate reconstructions one point c ii=(mpts-1)*inc e1=2.*env0(1,mpts)-env0(1,mpts-1) e2=2.*env0(2,mpts)-env0(2,mpts-1) do j=1,inc im = ii+j a1=(env0(1,mpts)*(inc+1-j)+e1*(j-1))/finc a2=(env0(2,mpts)*(inc+1-j)+e2*(j-1))/finc envmag = sqrt(a1**2+a2**2) envphase = -180.0*atan2(a2,a1)/pi index = n1+im-1 imonth = mod(index-1,12)+1 phase0 = (float(imonth)+0.5)*dt*360.0 envphase = envphase+phase0 if ( envphase=envphase-360.0 if (index.eq.ncent) then icount(index)=icount(index)+1 atot1(index,icount(index))=envmag atot2(index,icount(index))=envphase endif end do c c provide progress update c open (unit=12,file='svdevals-standard.status', $ status='unknown') if ((,niter/10).eq.0)) then write (12,*) it,' iterations of ',niter,' done...' write (6,*) it,' iterations of ',niter,' done...' endif close (unit=12) c c terminate time loop c end do c c now determine ensemble averaged amplitude and phase c information c do i=1,nscan time = float(i-1)*dt envmag = 0.0 envphase = 0.0 do j=1,icount(i) envmag = envmag+atot1(i,j) envphase = envphase+atot2(i,j) end do if (icount(i).gt.0) then envmag = envmag/float(icount(i)) envphase = envphase/float(icount(i)) if ( envphase=envphase-360.0 write (4,888) time,envmag write (7,888) time,envphase endif end do write (6,*) 'done.' c c done -- close files c close (unit=4) close (unit=7) 888 format (2f12.2,i4) c888 format (f6.2,f12.4) stop end