subroutine findpeaks(flow,fhigh,isignal, $ nf0,df,nbnd,specraw0,specmed0,specresh0,harmonic0, $ specback0,ftest, $ conf,fconf, $ fsignal,confsignal,nsignals) c parameter (maxsignal=40,nlarge=300) parameter (nlim=32768) real fsignal(maxsignal),confsignal(maxsignal) real fsig(nlarge),confsig(nlarge),sigrat(nlarge) integer null(nlim) integer nbnd,isignal real fconf(6),conf(4),sig(3) real ratio,ratmax,ratio0,dummy real specraw0(nlim),specmed0(nlim),specresh0(nlim), $ harmonic0(nlim),specback0(nlim),ftest(nlim) c real whiteraw0,whiterob0,rhoraw0,rhorob0,tauraw0,taurob0 c c determine central frequency of all signals above the 90% c level (or the maxsignal most significant signals) c nsignals = 0 do i=1,nf0 null(i)=0 end do sig(1)=99.0 sig(2)=95.0 sig(3)=90.0 c c loop search in order of decreasing signficance:99,95,90% conf c do k=1,3 if ( then thresh = conf(5-k) else thresh = fconf(5-k) endif do i=1,nf0-1 ff = flow+float(i-1)*df c if ( then ratio0 = specraw0(i)/specback0(i) else ratio0 = ftest(i) endif if (( then c nsignals=nsignals+1 c c if max signal capacity exceeded, quit c if ( then nsignals=nsignals-1 goto 888 endif c c peak identified -- search for "center" of peak c within the spectral bandwidth c ratmax = ratio0 imax = i fmax = ff do j=max(1,i-nbnd),min(i+nbnd,nf0-1) f0 = flow+float(j-1)*df if ( then ratio = specraw0(j)/specback0(j) else ratio = ftest(j) endif if ( then imax = j ratmax=ratio fmax = f0 endif end do c c center (significance-wise) of peak identified c c if the center of the peak now falls within one c bandwidth of a previously recognized peak, we c must throw it out c if (null(imax).eq.1) then nsignals = nsignals-1 goto 444 endif c c otherwise, we happily add to the list c fsig(nsignals)=fmax confsig(nsignals)=sig(k) sigrat(nsignals)=ratmax c c now block out the bandwidth from future peak identification c do j=max(1,imax-nbnd),min(imax+nbnd,nf0-1) null(j)=1 end do c endif 444 continue end do end do 888 continue c c sort signals in terms of significance c do i=1,nsignals do j=i+1,nsignals if (sigrat(j).gt.sigrat(i)) then dummy = sigrat(j) sigrat(j)=sigrat(i) sigrat(i) = dummy dummy = fsig(j) fsig(j)=fsig(i) fsig(i) = dummy dummy = confsig(j) confsig(j)=confsig(i) confsig(i) = dummy endif end do end do c c now store only the first "maxsignal" of these c nsignals=min(maxsignal,nsignals) c c sort the remaining peaks by increasing frequency c do i=1,nsignals do j=i+1,nsignals if (fsig(j).lt.fsig(i)) then dummy = fsig(i) fsig(i)=fsig(j) fsig(j)=dummy dummy = confsig(i) confsig(i)=confsig(j) confsig(j)=dummy endif end do end do do i=1,nsignals fsignal(i)=fsig(i) confsignal(i)=confsig(i) end do return end