program mtm c c driver for MTM spectral analysis/signal reconstruction code c c (c) Michael E. Mann 12/96 c c parameter (maxlen=50000,zero=0.0,maxsignal=100) parameter (nlim=32768) character*80 ifmt,name real a(maxlen),rcon(maxlen),signal(maxlen) real fsignal(maxsignal),confsignal(maxsignal) integer irec(maxsignal) real dt,anpi,f1,f2,fthresh,f0 integer nscan,nwin,npi,ioption,nsignals,ithresh integer nf0,nbnd,iwhich real fconf(6),conf(4) real specraw0(nlim),specmed0(nlim),specresh0(nlim), $ harmonic0(nlim),specback0(nlim),ftest(nlim) real whiteraw0,whiterob0,rhoraw0,rhorob0,tauraw0,taurob0 c write (6,*) write (6,*) 'MTM SPEC/RECON' write (6,*) write (6,*) '(c) 1996 Michael E. Mann' write (6,*) c c read in data c write (6,*) 'Time series file : ' read (5,101) name 101 format(80a) open (7,file=name,form='formatted') rewind(7) read (7,*) read (7,*) nscan,dt read (7,101) ifmt read(7,ifmt)(a(i),i=1,nscan) close(7) do i=1,nscan demn = demn+a(i) end do demn = demn/float(nscan) do i=nscan+1,maxlen a(i)=zero end do c c calculate Rayleigh and Nyquist frequencies c fray=1.0/(nscan*dt) fny = 0.5/dt c c c SET DEFAULTS c c indicate that no reconstructions/plotting possible until c spectrum has been calculated... c iflag = 0 c c resolution/variance tradeoff c npi = 2 nwin = 3 anpi=float(npi) fray=1.0/(nscan*dt) fny = 0.5/dt bndwdth = 2.0*anpi*fray c c spectrum c f1 = 0.0 f2 = fny frange = f2-f1 inorm = 0 ispec = 1 iresh = 1 ithresh = 3 fthresh = 95.0 c c null hypothesis c inoise = 0 ismooth = 1 fsmooth = frange/5.0 if ( fsmooth=bndwdth ilog = 1 c c signal assumption c isignal = 0 c c reconstruction c irecon = 0 do i=1,maxsignal irec(i)=0 fsignal(i)=0.0 confsignal(i)=0.0 end do nsignals = 0 c c display c iplotresh = 1 iplotftest = 1 iplotsmoo = 1 iplotraw = 1 iplotconf = 1 c c menu c 5555 continue write (6,*) write (6,*) 'MAIN MENU - MTM SPEC/RECON' write (6,*) write (6,*) '1) variance/resolution tradeoff:' write (6,*) ' * resolution = ',npi,' f_R' write (6,*) ' * number of tapers = ',nwin if (inoise.eq.0) then write (6,*) '2) null hypothesis: red noise' else if (inoise.eq.1) then write (6,*) '2) null hypothesis: white noise' else write (6,*) '2) null hypothesis: locally-white noise' endif endif c if ( then if (ismooth.eq.0) then write (6,*) ' * raw noise background estimation' else write (6,*) ' * robust noise background estimation' write (6,*) ' & fsmooth = ',fsmooth if (inoise.eq.0) then if (ilog.eq.0) then write (6,*) ' (min misfit noise background)' else write (6,*) ' (min log-misfit noise background)' endif endif endif endif c if (isignal.eq.0) then write (6,*) '3) signal assumption: harmonic or narrowband' else if (isignal.eq.1) then write (6,*) '3) signal assumption: narrowband' else write (6,*) '3) signal assumption: harmonic' endif endif c write (6,*) '4) spectrum: ' if (ispec.eq.1) then write (6,*) ' * adaptive estimate' else write (6,*) ' * high-resolution estimate' endif if (inorm.eq.0) then write (6,*) ' * no normalization' else if (inorm.eq.1) then write (6,*) ' * normalize by N ' else write (6,*) ' * normalize by 1/dt' endif endif if (iresh.eq.0) then write (6,*) ' * unreshaped' else write (6,*) ' * reshaped at threshold =', $ fthresh,'%' endif write (6,*) ' * frequency range: ',f1,f2 c c write (6,*) '5) signals to reconstruct: ',nsignals c c iplot = iplotresh+iplotsmoo+iplotraw+iplotconf+iplotftest if (iplot.eq.0) then write (6,*) '6) no display:' else write (6,*) '6) display:' if (iplotftest.eq.1) then write (6,*) ' * F-test spectrum' write (6,*) ' * & 50% 90% 95% 99% sig levels' endif if (iplotraw.eq.1) write (6,*) ' * raw spectrum' if (iplotresh.eq.1) $ write (6,*) ' * reshaped & harmonic spectra' if (iplotsmoo.eq.1) $ write (6,*) ' * median smoothed spectrum' if (iplotconf.eq.1) $ write (6,*) ' * 50% 90% 95% 99% sig levels' endif c write (6,*) '7) exit' c write (6,*) 'option (continue=0)' read (5,*) ioption c c proceed w/ calculations or quit? c if (ioption.eq.0) goto 8888 if (ioption.eq.7) goto 9999 c c c if any of the attributes of the spectrum are selected to c be changed, we nullify the existing set of selected signals c since they might not be "signals" under changed assumptions,etc c c also, flag that spectrum, peak detection has to be redone... c if ( then nsignals=0 do i=1,maxsignal irec(i)=0 end do iflag=0 endif c if (ioption.eq.1) then write (6,*) 'resolution in "p" multiples of Rayleigh frequency' read (5,*) npi write (6,*) 'number of tapers (suggested = ',2*npi-1,' ) ' read (5,*) nwin anpi=float(npi) bndwdth = 2.0*anpi*fray if ( fsmooth=bndwdth goto 5555 endif c if (ioption.eq.2) then if (isignal.eq.2) then write (6,*) 'harmonic signal-only detection requires' write (6,*) 'a "locally-white noise" assumption...' goto 5555 endif write (6,*) 'null hypothesis:' write (6,*) '(0) red noise' write (6,*) '(1) white noise' write (6,*) '(2) locally-white noise' read (5,*) inoise write (6,*) 'background estimation:' write (6,*) '(0) raw' write (6,*) '(1) robust' read (5,*) ismooth if (ismooth.eq.1) then 333 write (6,*) 'median smoothing width' write (6,*) 'choose: ',bndwdth,' < f <',frange/2.0 read (5,*) fsmooth if (( then write (6,*) 'your frequency width is out of bounds!' goto 333 endif if (inoise.eq.0) then write (6,*) 'red noise background fit:' write (6,*) '(0) linear' write (6,*) '(1) log' read (5,*) ilog endif endif goto 5555 endif if (ioption.eq.3) then write (6,*) 'signal assumption' write (6,*) '(0) harmonic or narrowband' write (6,*) '(1) narrowband' write (6,*) '(2) harmonic' read (5,*) isignal if (isignal.eq.2) then inoise=2 iplotsmoo = 0 iplotconf = 0 endif endif if (ioption.eq.4) then c write (6,*) '(0) high-resolution or (1) adaptive estimate' read (5,*) ispec c write (6,*) 'normalization:' write (6,*) '(0) none (1) N (2) 1/dt' read (5,*) inorm c write (6,*) 'reshaping (yes=1)?' read (5,*) iresh if (iresh.eq.1) then write $ (6,*) 'sig. level for harmonic peak detection/reshaping' write $ (6,*) '(0) 50% (1) 90% (2) 95% (3) 99% (4) 99.5% (5) 99.9%' read (5,*) ithresh ithresh = ithresh + 1 if (ithresh.eq.1) fthresh=50.0 if (ithresh.eq.2) fthresh=90.0 if (ithresh.eq.3) fthresh=95.0 if (ithresh.eq.4) fthresh=99.0 if (ithresh.eq.5) fthresh=99.5 if (ithresh.eq.6) fthresh=99.9 endif c write (6,*) 'fmin:' read (5,*) f1 write (6,*) 'fmax:' read (5,*) f2 frange = f2-f1 fsmooth = frange/5.0 if ( fsmooth=bndwdth goto 5555 endif if (ioption.eq.6) then 222 write (6,*) 'display options (toggle)' write (6,*) '(1) raw spectrum : ',iplotraw write (6,*) '(2) reshaped & harmonic spectra : ',iplotresh write (6,*) '(3) median smoothed background : ',iplotsmoo write (6,*) '(4) 50% 90% 95% 99% conf levels : ',iplotconf write (6,*) '(5) F-test spectrum : ',iplotftest write (6,*) 'option to change: (0=continue)' read (5,*) ichoice if (ichoice.eq.0) goto 5555 if (ichoice.eq.1) iplotraw=1-iplotraw if (ichoice.eq.2) iplotresh=1-iplotresh if (ichoice.eq.3) iplotsmoo=1-iplotsmoo if (ichoice.eq.4) iplotconf=1-iplotconf if (ichoice.eq.5) iplotftest=1-iplotftest if (isignal.eq.2) then iplotsmoo = 0 iplotconf = 0 endif if (isignal.eq.1) then iplotftest = 0 iplotresh=0 endif goto 222 endif irecon=1 write (6,*) '4) signals to reconstruct: ',nsignals if ( then c c constraint option c c c signal selection c 444 write (6,*) 'signal frequency signif% reconstruct' do i=1,nsignals if (fsignal(i).lt.bndwdth) then write (6,778) '(',i,') TREND ' , $ int(confsignal(i)+0.5),'%',irec(i) else write (6,777) '(',i,') ',fsignal(i), $ int(confsignal(i)+0.5),'%',irec(i) endif end do write (6,779) '(',nsignals+1,') ADD NEW frequency' write (6,*) 'select (toggle) 0=continue' read (5,*) iwhich if (iwhich.eq.0) goto 8888 if (iwhich.eq.nsignals+1) then write (6,*) 'frequency?' read (5,*) fnew nsignals=nsignals+1 fsignal(nsignals)=fnew goto 444 else irec(iwhich)=1-irec(iwhich) goto 444 endif else write (6,*) 'no signals to reconstruct' write (6,*) '(',nsignals+1,') ', $ 'enter your own frequency?' write (6,*) 'select (toggle) 0=continue' read (5,*) iwhich if (iwhich.eq.0) then if (nsignals.eq.0) goto 5555 if ( goto 8888 endif write (6,*) 'frequency?' read (5,*) fnew nsignals=nsignals+1 fsignal(nsignals)=fnew goto 444 endif write (6,*) 'constraint option:' write (6,*) $ '(0) min misfit (1) min norm (2) min slope (3) min rough' read (5,*) icon 777 format (a1,i2,a2,f9.4,i9,a1,i6) 778 format (a1,i2,a11,i9,a1,i6) 779 format (a1,i2,a22) c c c 8888 continue if (iflag.eq.0) then call spec(a,nwin,npi,dt,nscan,f1,f2, $ inoise,ismooth,ilog,fsmooth, $ isignal,ispec,inorm,iresh,ithresh, $ nf0,df,specraw0,specmed0,specresh0,harmonic0, $ specback0,ftest, $ conf,fconf,nbnd, $ whiteraw0,whiterob0,rhoraw0,rhorob0,tauraw0,taurob0) call findpeaks(flow,fhigh,isignal, $ nf0,df,nbnd,specraw0,specmed0,specresh0,harmonic0, $ specback0,ftest, $ conf,fconf, $ fsignal,confsignal,nsignals) call display(nf0,f1,df, $ specraw0,specmed0,specresh0,harmonic0, $ specback0,ftest,conf,fconf, $ whiteraw0,whiterob0,rhoraw0,rhorob0, $ tauraw0,taurob0, $ iplotresh,iplotftest,iplotsmoo, $ iplotraw,iplotconf) iflag=1 goto 5555 endif if (irecon.eq.1) then do i=1,maxlen signal(i)=0.0 rcon(i)=0.0 end do do j=1,nsignals if (irec(j).eq.1) then f0 = fsignal(j) call recon(a,nwin,npi,dt,nscan,bndwdth,f0,icon,rcon) do i=1,nscan signal(i)=signal(i)+rcon(i) end do endif end do open (unit=3,file='recon.out',status='unknown') do i=1,nscan write (3,*) float(i-1)*dt,signal(i),a(i)-demn end do close (unit=3) endif goto 5555 c 9999 continue write (6,*) 'quitting...' stop end