subroutine spec(a0,nwin0,ip,dt0,nscan0, $ flow,fhigh, $ inoise0,ismooth,ilog0,fsmooth, $ isignal,ispec,inorm,iresh,iper, $ nf0,df,specraw0,specmed0,specresh0,harmonic0,specback0, $ ftest,conf,fconf,nbnd, $ whiteraw0,whiterob0,rhoraw0,rhorob0,tauraw0,taurob0) c c (c) Michael Mann c c MTM procedure of Mann and Lees (1996) adapted fromm original MTM code c of J. Park, to perform multiple null-hypothesis testing, both harmonic c and quasiperiodic signal detection, and robust background noise c estimation. c integer maxwin,maxlen,maxdof,nlim,nmed real big,small,tol parameter (maxlen=50000) parameter (maxwin=8,maxdof=2*maxwin,nlim=32768) parameter (nmed=2000) parameter (big=1.0e+36,small=1.0e-12,tol=1e-4) c real dt0 real a0(maxlen) integer ip,nscan0,nwin0,ilog0 integer inoise,inoise0 integer nbnd,nbnd0 integer idone(nlim) real rho,rho0 real MSE real*8 avar,el real val(nmed) real demean(nlim),specmed real specraw0(nlim) real specresh0(nlim),harmonic0(nlim),specback0(nlim), $ specmed0(nlim) real rednoise(nlim),rednoise0(nlim) real ftest(nlim) real base(nlim) integer iharm(nlim) real fconf(6) real conf(4) real adum,sumpeak complex zed c c note that following limits are hard-wired into the code: c max # tapers = 8 c max # frequency paris = 16400 c max # points in dataseries = 32800 c c common/taperz/ta(16400,8),tai(16400,8),dcf(16400,8), $ amu(16400,8) common/staple/tad(32800),tad1(32800) common/stap2/tas(32800,16) common/misc/npad common/npiprol/anpi common/data/a(maxlen) common/work/b(32800) common/work2/fspec(16400) common/BLK1/white,specmed(nlim),fnynew,ddf,f0 common/BLK2/ilog,nfreq c dimension dum(35) real *8 b1(32800),b2(32800) dimension reim(2),el(10) equivalence (zed,reim),(iy,dum) c c define some constants c pi=3.14159265358979 radian=180./pi tiny = 1e-6 c c asign parameters from main c nscan = nscan0 do i=1,maxlen a(i)=a0(i) end do npi = ip anpi=float(ip) nwin=nwin0 dt = dt0 nscan = nscan0 ilog = ilog0 c c zero pad to first power of 2 > # data points c constrain minimum padding to 1024 points... c npts = nscan npad=npts-1 ij=0 c c set zero padding to first power of 2 greater than c number of data points c c impose minimum value of 1024 c 1000 npad=npad/2 ij=ij+1 if( go to 1000 c npad=max(2**ij,1024) c c determine frequency limits, associated DFT points, etc. c fmin=flow fmax=fhigh fnynew = fhigh ddf=1.0/(npad*dt) df = ddf eps=.1*ddf n1=(fmin+eps)/ddf n2=((fmax+eps)/ddf) fmin=n1*ddf fmax=n2*ddf nf=n2-n1+1 nf0 = nf nfreq=nf f0 = fmin nmin=n1*2+1 nmax=n2*2+2 c c determine Rayleigh, Nyquist frequencies, bandwidths, etc. c fny = 0.5/dt fray=1.0/(npts*dt) bndwdth = 2.0*anpi*fray halfwdth = bndwdth/2.0 nbnd = bndwdth/ddf nbnd0 = fray/ddf timefreq = 2.0*anpi c c demean the series c demn = 0.0 do i=1,nscan demn=demn+a(i) end do demn = demn/float(nscan) do i=1,nscan demean(i)=a(i)-demn end do c c c determine raw noise parameters c c inoise = inoise0 if ( then rho0 = 0.0 else c c determine raw lag 1 autocorrelation coefficient c var = 0.0 do i=1,nscan var = var + demean(i)**2 end do var = var/float(nscan) sd = sqrt(var) c1 = 0.0 icount = 0 do i=2,nscan icount = icount + 1 c1 = c1 + demean(i-1)*demean(i) end do c1 = c1/float(icount) rho0 = c1/var endif c c determine chi-square values for confidence level c determination of spectrum c open (unit=21,file='chisquare.dat',status='old') c fix implemented May 2017 -- thanks to Linda Hinnov and Stephen Meyers do i=1,maxdof idofs = 2*nwin if (i.eq.idofs) then read (21,*) idum,conf(1),conf(2),conf(3),conf(4) else read (21,*) endif end do close (unit=21) c iftest = 1 jper = 3 c c read in f-test data if appropriate c if (nwin.eq.1) iftest = 0 if (iftest.eq.1) then open (unit=17,file='ftest.dat',status='unknown') do i=2,14,2 if (i.eq.2*nwin-2) then read (17,*) idum,fconf(1),fconf(2),fconf(3),fconf(4), $ fconf(5),fconf(6) else read (17,*) endif end do close (unit=17) thresh = fconf(iper) endif c c determine amplitude theshold for reshaping c afact = 0.0 if ((iresh.eq.1).and.( then afact = conf(1) if (iper.eq.2) afact = conf(2) if (iper.eq.3) afact = conf(3) if ( afact = conf(4) endif c c create output files c c DETERMINE SPECTRUM c c calculate the eigentapers c call taper2(npts,nwin,el) c c normalization: c c mult by dt if we wish absolute spectral estimate c e.g. analysis of time-limited signal c divide by npts if we wish amplitude spectrum per unit time c if (inorm.eq.2) then ! amp spec (time limited) anrm=1.0/dt else if(inorm.eq.1) then ! amp spect per unit time anrm=float(npts) else anrm=1. endif endif c c perform convolution of the series with each datataper c do iwin=1,nwin do i=1,nscan b1(i)=demean(i)*tas(i,iwin) b2(i)=0.0 end do j=nscan+1 do i=j,npad b1(i)=0.0 b2(i)=0.0 end do call fft2(b1,b2,npad) sum=0. j = 0 do i=1,npad/2 j = j+1 ta(j,iwin)=b1(i)/anrm tai(j,iwin)=b2(i)/anrm b(i) = b1(i) b(i+1) = b2(i) sumi=b1(i)*b1(i)+b2(i)*b2(i) sum=sum+sumi end do end do c if (ispec.eq.0) then c c calculate "high-resolution" spectrum c call hires(ta,tai,el,nwin,nf-1,amu) c c determine psd as squared amplitude spectrum c dissallow zero values c do i=1,nf-1 amu(i,1)=abs(amu(i,1))**2 end do endif c if (ispec.eq.1) then c c calculate adaptively weighted spectrum c avar=0.d0 do i=1,nf-1 avar=avar+demean(i)*demean(i) end do c c avar is a factor that scales the bias factor in the adaptive c weighting scheme. c if (inorm.eq.1) then ! amp spect per unit time avar=avar/(npts*npts) elseif(inorm.eq.2) then ! absolute amp spect avar=avar*dt*dt endif c call adwait(ta,tai,dcf,el,nwin,nf-1,amu,amu(1,2),avar) c c normalized psd, disallow negative values c do i=1,nf-1 amu(i,1)=abs(amu(i,1)) end do endif c c initialize raw, reshaped, and harmonic spectra as the psd estimated c above, and the f-test as null c do i=1,nf-1 iharm(i)=0 specraw0(i)=amu(i,1) specresh0(i)=amu(i,1) harmonic0(i)=amu(i,1) idone(i)=0 end do c if (iftest.eq.1) then c c c perform f-test for phase coherence if indicated c call regre(ta,tai,nf-1,nwin,amu) c c do i=1,nf-1 ftest(i)=amu(i,3) end do endif c c determine the average (white) power level of the raw spectrum c white0 = 0.0 do i=1,nf-1 white0 = white0+specraw0(i) end do white0 = white0/float(nf-1) c c set default noise parameters as raw noise parameters c rho = rho0 white = white0 c if (ismooth.eq.1) then c c determine median smoothed spectrum and associated c "robust" average (white) power level c white = 0.0 nsmooth = fsmooth/ddf do j=1,nf-1 if1 = j-nsmooth/2 if2 = j+nsmooth/2 if ( then if1=1 c if2=nsmooth+1 endif if ( then if2=nf-1 c if1=nf-nsmooth-1 endif nblk = if2-if1+1 do i=1,nblk val(i)=specraw0(if1+i-1) end do c c sort spectrum in this block c kmid = (nblk+1)/2 do kk1=1,nblk do kk2=kk1+1,nblk if (val(kk2).lt.val(kk1)) then adum = val(kk2) val(kk2)=val(kk1) val(kk1)=adum endif end do end do specmed(j)=val(kmid) specmed0(j)=specmed(j) white = white + specmed(j) end do white = white/float(nf-1) c if ( then c c Unless user has selected the "local white" assumption, c we attempt to fit a parametric (white or red) noise c background robustly c c determine best fit spectrum of the form c c rednoise = white*(1.0-rho**2)/ c (1.0-2.0*rho*cos(arg)+rho**2) c c to the median-smoother. c c note that the "white noise" is a trivial case c c "white" is the robust white noise power level c estimated above from the median smoothed c spectrum c c do a global search of the interval [0,1) c to find the optimal rho as determined by minimum MSE c amin = big do rho1=0.0,0.999,0.001 amiss = MSE(rho1) if ( then rho=rho1 amin = amiss endif end do endif endif c c determine raw and robust estimates of the decorrelation c timescale of the noise c tau = 1e+16 tau0 = 1e+16 if ( tau = -dt/log(rho) if ( tau0 = -dt/log(rho0) c c determine the noise background c do i=1,nf-1 ff = fmin+(i-1)*ddf freq_norm = ff/fnynew arg = freq_norm*pi rednoise0(i) = white0*(1.0-rho0**2)/ $ (1.0-2.0*rho0*cos(arg)+rho0**2) rednoise(i) = white*(1.0-rho**2)/ $ (1.0-2.0*rho*cos(arg)+rho**2) c c if the "harmonic signal" option is selected, c the estimated null "base" spectrum is zero, c otherwise it is the noise background determined above c if (isignal.eq.2) then base(i)=0.0 else if ( then if (ismooth.eq.1) then base(i) = rednoise(i) else base(i) = rednoise0(i) endif else base(i) = specmed(i)*conf(1) endif specback0(i)=base(i) endif end do c c now perform reshaping procedure if indicated c if (iresh.eq.1) then c c do a poor mans reshaping -detect harmonic peaks and then c interpolate the continuous spectrum across the effected c bandwidth -only reshape if harmonic peak is greater than c the significance level in terms of overall power that was c indicated for the F-test harmonic detection procedure c c note that for harmonic signal assumption, base=0 and all c signficant f-test peaks will be reshaped c c note: reshaping is only done at frequencies outside c the secular band c do i=nbnd,nf-1 if ((ftest(i).gt.thresh). $ and.(specraw0(i).gt.afact*base(i))) iharm(i)=1 end do c do i=nbnd,nf-1 c c determine frequency points at boarder of the Rayleigh bandwidth c and the full spectral bandwidth c c if frequency falls in a band within reshaping was already c performed, we skip c if (idone(i).ne.1) then c ipre0 = i-nbnd0/2-1 iaft0 = i+nbnd0/2+1 ipre = i-nbnd/2 iaft = i+nbnd/2 if ( ipre=nbnd+1 if ( iaft=nf-2 if ( ipre0=nbnd if ( iaft0=nf-1 c c reshaped spectrum is estimating by assuming that the c spectrum is continuous across the Rayleigh spectral c bandwidth within which a periodic signal is detected. c this gap is linearly interpolated across that bandwidth c c "harmonic0" is the sum of the reshaped "continuous background" c and the detected spectral line. The line component is estimated c by assuming that the total power within the reshaped region c is represented by the sum of the continuous background and c a narrow peak with the Rayleigh resolution c sumpeak = 0.0 if (iharm(i).eq.1) then do j=ipre,iaft specresh0(j)=0.5*(specraw0(ipre-1)+specraw0(iaft+1)) harmonic0(j)=specresh0(j) end do do j=ipre,iaft idone(j)=1 sumpeak = sumpeak+specraw0(j) end do do j=ipre0,iaft0 harmonic0(j)=sumpeak/(iaft0-ipre0+1) end do endif endif end do endif c c for periodic signal assumption, the estimated noise background c is simply the reshaped (ie, estimated continuous) spectrum c if (isignal.eq.2) then do i=1,nf-1 specback0(i)=specresh0(i) end do endif c whiteraw0=white0 whiterob0=white rhoraw0=rho0 rhorob0=rho tauraw0 = tau0 taurob0 = tau c 8888 continue c return end c real function MSE(rho) c parameter (nlim=32768) COMMON /BLK1/white,specmed(nlim),fnynew,ddf,f0 COMMON /BLK2/ilog,nfreq real rho real pie,dff,freq_norm,ff,arg,small,rednoise,val1,val2 pie = 3.1415926 small = 1e-12 dff = 0.0 do j=1,nfreq ff = f0+(j-1)*ddf freq_norm = ff/fnynew arg = freq_norm*pie rednoise = white*(1.0-rho**2)/ $ (1.0-2.0*rho*cos(arg)+rho**2) if (ilog.eq.0) then dff = dff + (specmed(j)-rednoise)**2 else val1 = abs(specmed(j)) val2 = abs(rednoise) if ( val1=small if ( val2=small dff = dff + $ (log(val1)-log(val2))**2 endif end do MSE = dff return end c subroutine hires(ta,tai,el,nwin,nf,ares) real*8 el dimension ta(16400,1),tai(16400,1),el(1),ares(1) do j=1,nf ares(j)=0. end do do i=1,nwin a=1./(el(i)*nwin) do j=1,nf ares(j)=ares(j)+a*(ta(j,i)*ta(j,i)+tai(j,i)*tai(j,i)) end do end do do j=1,nf ares(j)=sqrt(ares(j)) end do return end c c subroutine adwait(ta,tai,dcf,el,nwin,nf,ares,degf,avar) c c this version uses Thomson's algorithm for calculating c the adaptive spectrum estimate c real*8 avar,spw,as,das,tol,el,a1,bias,scale,ax,fn,fx dimension ta(16400,1),tai(16400,1),el(1),ares(1),degf(1) dimension spw(10),bias(10),dcf(16400,1) c c set tolerance for iterative scheme exit c tol=3.d-4 jitter=0 scale=avar c c we scale the bias by the total variance of the frequency transform c from zero freq to the nyquist c in this application we scale the eigenspectra by the bias in order to avoid c possible floating point overflow c do 200 i=1,nwin 200 bias(i)=(1.d0-el(i)) do 100 j=1,nf do 150 i=1,nwin 150 spw(i)=(ta(j,i)*ta(j,i)+tai(j,i)*tai(j,i))/scale c c first guess is the average of the two lowest-order eigenspectral estimates c as=(spw(1)+spw(2))/2.d0 do 300 k=1,20 c c find coefficients c fn=0.d0 fx=0.d0 do 350 i=1,nwin a1=dsqrt(el(i))*as/(el(i)*as+bias(i)) a1=a1*a1 fn=fn+a1*spw(i) fx=fx+a1 350 continue ax=fn/fx das=dabs(ax-as) if(das/ go to 400 300 as=ax c c flag if iteration does not converge c jitter=jitter+1 400 continue ares(j)=as*scale c c calculate degrees of freedom c df=0. do 450 i=1,nwin dcf(j,i)=dsqrt(el(i))*as/(el(i)*as+bias(i)) 450 df=df+dcf(j,i)*dcf(j,i) c c we normalize degrees of freedom by the weight of the first eigenspectrum c this way we never have fewer than two degrees of freedom c 100 degf(j)=df*2./(dcf(j,1)*dcf(j,1)) return end c subroutine regre(sr,si,nf,nwin,amu) c real b real *8 junk dimension sr(16400,1),si(16400,1),amu(16400,1) common/tapsum/b(10),junk(10) c c "b" is the DFT of Slepian eigentapers at zero frequency c "sr" and "si" are the eigenspectra c "amu" contains line frequency estimates and f-test parameter c sum=0. do i=1,nwin sum=sum+b(i)*b(i) end do do i=1,nf amu(i,1)=0. amu(i,2)=0. do j=1,nwin amu(i,1)=amu(i,1)+sr(i,j)*b(j) amu(i,2)=amu(i,2)+si(i,j)*b(j) end do amu(i,1)=amu(i,1)/sum amu(i,2)=amu(i,2)/sum sum2=0. do j=1,nwin sumr=sr(i,j)-amu(i,1)*b(j) sumi=si(i,j)-amu(i,2)*b(j) sum2=sum2+sumr*sumr+sumi*sumi end do amu(i,3)=(nwin-1)*(amu(i,2)**2+amu(i,1)**2)*sum/sum2 end do return end c c subroutine taper2(n,nwin,el) c c generate slepian tapers c "ta" is a real*4 array c c written by J. Park c real*8 el,a,z,pi,ww,cs,ai,an,eps,rlu,rlb real*8 dfac,drat,gamma,bh,ell real dump common/npiprol/anpi common/tapsum/tapsum(10),ell(10) common/misc/npad common/work/ip(32800) common/taperz/z(65536),dump(393728) common/stap2/ta(32800,16) dimension a(32800,8),el(10) data pi/3.14159265358979d0/ equivalence (a(1,1),ta(1,1)) an=dfloat(n) ww=dble(anpi)/an cs=dcos(2.d0*pi*ww) c c note: c c initialize matrix for eispack subroutine c this matrix is not the bandwidth retention factor matrix A (for minimizing c spectral leakage) described in various multitaper papers c --e.g. Thomson (1982) [proc ieee], Park et al (1987) [jgr]. c the bandwidth matrix x returns a cluster of eigenvectors c (which are the slepian tapers) with eigenvalues very close to unity. c since the spacing of eigenvalues can be comparable to machine precision, c numerical instability can occur for time-bandwidth product n .ge. 6 c (that is, 6pi-prolate tapers) c also, the bandwidth retention matrix A is toeplitz, but full, and it is not c feasible to calculate tapers explicitly for long time series (in an earlier c code i interpolated an m-point taper from the eigenvectors of a 128x128 c bandwidth retention matrix). the following is cribbed from a 1978 paper c by Slepian (Prolate spheroidal wave functions, Fourier analysis c and uncertainty, Bell System Tech Journal, v57, pp1371-1430, 1978) c which gives a three-term recursion that is satisfied by the c slepian tapers. the three-term recursion can be manipulated to show that the c slepian tapers are the eigenvectors of a tridiagonal matrix a, with c well-spaced eigenvalues that are (practically speaking) unrelated to the c eigenvalues of x. using this matrix a we obtain both numerical stability c and speed (tridiagonal matrices can be decomposed rapidly enough to c calculate m-point tapers on the fly). c do i=0,n-1 ai=dfloat(i) a(i+1,1)=-cs*((an-1.d0)/2.d0-ai)**2 a(i+1,2)=-ai*(an-ai)/2.d0 c c next statement is eispack routine tridib, see its documentation c a(i+1,3)=a(i+1,2)**2 end do eps=1.e-13 m11=1 call tridib(n,eps,a(1,1),a(1,2),a(1,3),rlb,rlu,m11,nwin,el,ip, x ierr,a(1,4),a(1,5)) call tinvit(n,n,a(1,1),a(1,2),a(1,3),nwin,el,ip,z,ierr, x a(1,4),a(1,5),a(1,6),a(1,7),a(1,8)) c c note: c c we calculate the eigenvalues of the dirichlet-kernel problem c i.e. the bandwidth retention factors c from slepian 1978 asymptotic formula, gotten from thomson 1982 eq 2.5 c supplemented by the asymptotic formula for k near 2n from Slepian (1978) c more precise values of these parameters, perhaps useful in adaptive c spectral estimation, can be calculated explicitly using the c rayleigh-quotient formulas in Thomson (1982) and Park et al (1987) c dfac=an*pi*ww drat=8.d0*dfac dfac=4.d0*dsqrt(pi*dfac)*dexp(-2.d0*dfac) do k=1,nwin el(k)=1.d0-dfac dfac=dfac*drat/k ! is this correct formula? yes,but fails as k -> 2n end do gamma=dlog(8.d0*an*dsin(2.d0*pi*ww))+0.5772156649d0 do k=1,nwin bh=-2.d0*pi*(an*ww-dfloat(k-1)/2.d0-.25d0)/gamma ell(k)=1.d0/(1.d0+dexp(pi*bh)) end do do i=1,nwin el(i)=dmax1(ell(i),el(i)) end do c c normalize the eigentapers to preserve power for a white process c i.e. they have rms value unity c "tapsum" is the average of the eigentaper, should be near zero for c antisymmetric tapers c do k=1,nwin kk=(k-1)*n tapsum(k)=0. tapsq=0. do i=1,n aa=z(kk+i) ta(i,k)=aa tapsum(k)=tapsum(k)+aa tapsq=tapsq+aa*aa end do aa=sqrt(tapsq/n) tapsum(k)=tapsum(k)/aa do i=1,n ta(i,k)=ta(i,k)/aa end do end do c c the real FFT will preserve amplitudes with zeropadding c for example, a(i)=1.,i=1,100 will transform at zero freq c to b(f=0)=100 no matter how much zero padding is done c therefore we need not doctor the taper normalization, c but wait until the fft to force the desired units c return end