subroutine envel(ff0,jsmoo) c 10/25/89 c made compartmental 7/19/90 c made into a subroutine 11/20/90 real ff0 real*8 cs,sn,env0,amp,ell,dex,ex complex*16 g,d,env,dum,za,amp0,amp1,qrsave common/pltopt/npad,nst,npts,nmin,nmax,t(3),fmin,fmax,nf, x dt,nwin,inc,tt(3) common/envel1/ell(20) common/taperz/ta(4100,16),tai(4100,16) common/staple/env(8200) common/stap2/tas(8192,16),ex(500) common/stap3/g(150000) common/stap4/cs(8200),sn(8200) common/stap5/d(100),za(100),qrsave(100),dum2(2000),dum(8200) dimension env0(2,1000),amp(2) equivalence (env0,env),(amp0,amp) tt(1)=0. tt(2)=dt pi=3.14159265358979 rad=180./pi eps=1.e-4 iboost=0 fmin=t(1) fmax=t(1)+(nf-1)*t(2) qc=0. dex=dble(qc*pi/npts) call boost(iboost,npts,ex,dex) call fillup(ff0) c dot product with decaying envelope for fixed element c then integrate the kernels twice call premult(iboost,jsmoo) call zqrdc(g,npts,npts,nwin,qrsave,ip,dumm,0) c solve for the constant term c first we calculate double backtransform of data vector c and the triangular matrix r call zbacktr(nwin,npts,g,d,dum,2) c mult by za to get a scalar amp0=dcmplx(0.d0,0.d0) do k=1,nwin amp0=amp0+conjg(za(k))*dum(k) ! note: conjugated end do c next we calculate double backtransform of za c and the triangular matrix r call zbacktr(nwin,npts,g,za,dum,2) c mult by za to get a scalar amp1=dcmplx(0.d0,0.d0) do k=1,nwin amp1=amp1+conjg(za(k))*dum(k) ! note: conjugated end do amp0=amp0/amp1 sum1=0. do k=1,nwin sum1=sum1+(cdabs(d(k)))**2 end do do k=1,nwin d(k)=d(k)-za(k)*amp0 end do sum2=0. do k=1,nwin sum2=sum2+(cdabs(d(k)))**2 end do rat=sum2/sum1 c solve for m-tilde c we backtransform once, then multiply by q do i=1,npts env(i)=dcmplx(0.,0.) end do call zbacktr(nwin,npts,g,d,env,1) call zqrsl(g,npts,npts,nwin,qrsave,env,env, x dum,dum,dum,dum,10000,info) call postmult(jsmoo,npts,env,amp0,cs) npts2=npts*2 end c subroutine zbacktr(n,npts,g,d,dum,ick) complex*16 g(npts,1),dum(1),d(1) c g is assumed to be the qr decomposition of a matrix c we only use the upper triangle of g c ick.eq.1 => only perform backtransform with lower triangle c the lower triangular backtransform: do k=1,n dum(k)=d(k) end do do i=1,n i1=i-1 if( then do j=1,i1 dum(i)=dum(i)-conjg(g(j,i))*dum(j) c dum(i)=dum(i)-(g(j,i))*dum(j) end do endif dum(i)=dum(i)/conjg(g(i,i)) c dum(i)=dum(i)/(g(i,i)) end do if(ick.eq.1) return c the upper triangular backtransform: do i=n,1,-1 ip1=i+1 if( then do j=ip1,n dum(i)=dum(i)-g(i,j)*dum(j) c dum(i)=dum(i)-conjg(g(i,j))*dum(j) end do endif dum(i)=dum(i)/g(i,i) c dum(i)=dum(i)/conjg(g(i,i)) end do return end c subroutine boost(iboost,npts,ex,dex) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension ex(1) if(iboost.eq.1) then c boost the envelope by multiplying tapers by decreasing exponential dex=dexp(-dex) ex(1)=1.d0 do i=2,npts ex(i)=ex(i-1)*dex end do else ! dont boost the envelope do i=1,npts ex(i)=1.d0 end do endif return end c subroutine fillup(f0) c to fill data vector and kernel matrix real*8 cs,sn,ex real dumfil2 complex*16 g,d,dumfil1,dumfil3 common/pltopt/npad,nst,npts,nmin,nmax,t(3),fmin,fmax,nf, x dt,nwin,inc,tt(3) common/taperz/ta(4100,16),tai(4100,16) common/stap2/tas(8192,16),ex(500) common/stap3/g(150000) common/stap4/cs(8200),sn(8200) common/stap5/d(100),dumfil1(200),dumfil2(2000),dumfil3(8200) n1 = 1 if (t(2).gt.0.0) n1=(f0-fmin)/t(2)+1 f1=(fmin+(n1-1)*t(2)) df1=f0-f1 if(df1* then n1=n1+1 f1=f1+t(2) df1=f1-f0 else df1=-df1 ! since formula uses f1-f0 endif c ************* careful! make certain that freq and dt are reciprocal units! c ************* if dt is sec, df1 is mhz, need to scale by 1000. c ************* same if dt is kyr and df1 is cyc/myr call cossin(npts,cs,sn,1.d0,0.d0,dble(df1),dble(dt)) c call cossin(npts,cs,sn,1.d0,0.d0,dble(df1),dble(dt/1000.)) c assemble data vector c multiply by 2.0/inc to obtain proper normalization c 2.0 from =1/2 c and inc from decimation of tapers in the data kernels do k=1,nwin d(k)=dcmplx(ta(n1,k),tai(n1,k))*2.d0/inc end do c mult the tapers by sinusoid to get kernels c note that we use the complex conjugate do k=1,nwin ii=(k-1)*npts jj=(k-1)*npts j=0 do i=1,npts j=j+1 g(jj+j)=ex(i)*dcmplx(tas(i,k)*cs(j),-tas(i,k)*sn(j)) end do end do return end c subroutine premult(iboost,jsmoo) real*8 cs,sn,cs0 real*4 dumfil2 complex*16 g,d,za,dumfil1,dumfil3 common/pltopt/npad,nst,npts,nmin,nmax,t(3),fmin,fmax,nf, x dt,nwin,inc,tt(3) common/stap3/g(150000) common/stap4/cs(8200),sn(8200) common/stap5/d(100),za(100),dumfil1(100),dumfil2(2000), $ dumfil3(8200) pi=3.14159265358979 eps=1.e-4 c dot product with decaying envelope for fixed element if(iboost.eq.0) then cs0=qc*pi/(npts-1) cs0=dexp(-cs0) cs(1)=1.d0 do i=2,npts cs(i)=cs(i-1)*cs0 end do else ! if we have boosted the kernels, the fixed element is constant do i=1,npts cs(i)=1.d0 end do endif do k=1,nwin za(k)=dcmplx(0.,0.) kk=(k-1)*npts do i=1,npts za(k)=za(k)+cs(i)*g(kk+i) end do za(k)=conjg(za(k)) ! must conjugate to adhere to conventions end do c then integrate the kernels twice if( then do ksmoo=1,jsmoo do k=1,nwin ii=(k-1)*npts nptsm=npts-1 do i=nptsm,1,-1 g(ii+i)=g(ii+i)+g(ii+i+1) end do c little fudge factor to ensure penalty of first derivative g(ii+1)=g(ii+1)/eps end do end do endif return end c subroutine postmult(jsmoo,npts,env,amp0,cs) real*8 cs(1) complex*16 env(1),amp0 eps=1.e-4 if( then c post normalize to the envelope fluctuation do ksmoo=1,jsmoo env(1)=env(1)/eps do i=2,npts env(i)=env(i)+env(i-1) end do end do endif c add the decay envelope back in do i=1,npts env(i)=env(i)+amp0*cs(i) end do return end