program mtmsvdspec c c Copyright (C) 1995 c c Michael Mann c c MTM-SVD -- evolutive/fixed window LFV spectrum estimation c c v1.0 c c uses original multitaper spectral code of Jeffrey Park (c) c c mmax - maximum number of spatial dofs desired (ie, max # of time series) c ntapmax - maximum number of spectral dofs desired c ifmax - maximum padded DFT length (maximum=8192) c nscanmax - maximum length of time series c c parameter (mmax=25, $ nscanmax=1200,ntapmax=3,ifmax=4096) c character*19 filename character*1 cfnum complex *8 AAA(mmax,ntapmax,ifmax) complex *16 AA(mmax,ntapmax),UU(mmax,mmax),VV(ntapmax,ntapmax) real*8 ell real *8 S(ntapmax),sum real *8 partsum(ntapmax) real ar,ai real weight(mmax),a(nscanmax,mmax),anew(nscanmax,mmax) real datave(mmax),sd(mmax) real var common/npiprol/anpi common/nnaamm/iwflag common/work/b1(8194) common/taperz/ta(4100,16,2),tai(4100,16,2),dcf(4100,16,2), $ amu(4100,4) common/stap2/tas(8192,16) common/envel1/ell(20) c c iwflag=0 zero = 0.0 one = 1.0 two = 2.0 pi=3.14159265358979 c c dt = time interval spacing in units of years c nscan = length of time series in units of "dt" c iabv = number of time series in analysis (ie, "spatial" array) c c presently set for 25 records of 1 month resolution and 100 year c length (** make sure array dimensions are large enough: c "ifmax" must be greater than nscan **) c so nscan = 100*12 = 1200, iabv = 25 c c dt = 1/12 so that time units/frequencies will be in terms c of annual time units c c **** THESE SETTINGS ARE DATASET DEPENDENT!!! **** c dt = 0.083333 nscan = 1200 iabv = 25 c c set frequency range for DFT, frequency spacing, zero c padding, etc. c ** NOTE: maximum padded DFT length is npad=8192 ** c c f1 = minimum frequency for analysis = 0 c f2 = maximum frequency (in cyc/year -- this can be varied up to c the nyquist sampling frequency = 0.5/dt) c c ( presently set for the range 0 to 0.5 cycle year, or, periods greater c than tau=2 years. This is a smaller fraction of the full Nyquist c interval f=0 to f=6.0 cycle/year for monthly sampling) c f1 = 0.0 f2 = 0.5 c default settings c npi = 2 anpi=float(npi) nwin=3 itype = 0 nbeg=1 nend = nscan neval = nscan nmove = nscan ninterv = nscan 444 write (6,*) 'present settings' write (6,*) '1) use',nwin, ' x ',npi,' pi tapers' write (6,*) '2) data interval (',nbeg,' to ',nend,' )' if (itype.eq.0) then write (6,*) '3) fixed window analysis' else write (6,*) '3) evolutive analysis' write (6,*) ' --',nmove,' unit moving window' write (6,*) ' --',ninterv,' unit time step' endif c write (6,*) '-----------------' write (6,*) 'item to change (0=continue)' read (5,*) icont if (icont.eq.1) then goto 1111 else if (icont.eq.2) then goto 2222 else if (icont.eq.3) then goto 3333 else goto 9999 endif endif endif 1111 write (6,*) 'time-frequency bandwidth product "p"' read (5,*) npinew if (*npinew-1) then write (6,*) 'sorry--exceeds maximum bandwidth' else write (6,*) 'number of tapers' read (5,*) nwinnew if (*npinew-1) then write (6,*) 'sorry--cannot exceed 2*p-1' else npi=npinew anpi = float(npi) nwin=nwinnew endif endif goto 444 2222 write (6,*) 'beginning time index' read (5,*) nbeg write (6,*) 'ending time index' read (5,*) nend nmove = nend-nbeg+1 neval = nmove ninterv = nmove goto 444 3333 write (6,*) 'choose' write (6,*) '(0) fixed window' write (6,*) '(1) evolutive analysis' read (5,*) itype if (itype.eq.1) then write (6,*) 'window width (in samples--e.g., # months)' read (5,*) nmove write (6,*) 'interval between evaluations (in samples " )' read (5,*) ninterv endif goto 444 c c npad = zero padding (power of two--must be > nscan) c c 9999 npad=4096 c c calculate frequency spacing, etc. c ddf=1./(npad*dt) eps=.1*ddf nf1=(f1+eps)/ddf nf2=(f2+eps)/ddf nf=nf2-nf1+1 nfmax = nf-1 c c set spatial, spectral dimensions for SVD matrix c M = iabv N = nwin NV = N NU = N IP = 0 c c read in data. c c * THIS SECTION WILL HAVE TO MODIFIED DEPENDING ON THE DATA c ANALYZED * c open (unit=9,file='synth1.dat', $ status='old') c open (unit=10,file='synth2.dat', $ status='old') c open (unit=11,file='synth3.dat', $ status='old') c open (unit=12,file='synth4.dat', $ status='old') c open (unit=13,file='synth5.dat', $ status='old') c c read in the iabv=25 gridpoints from the c five files of 5 gridpoint series/file c do j=1,nscan read (9,*) adum,(a(j,jnode),jnode=1,5) read (10,*) adum,(a(j,jnode),jnode=6,10) read (11,*) adum,(a(j,jnode),jnode=11,15) read (12,*) adum,(a(j,jnode),jnode=16,20) read (13,*) adum,(a(j,jnode),jnode=21,25) end do close (unit=9) close (unit=10) close (unit=11) close (unit=12) close (unit=13) c c set uniform weights on each of the gridpoints. This is where c we might normally want to set gridpoint dependent weights c e.g., cos(latitude) weighting to provide areal representivity c to the decomposition, etc. For simplicity, we set the weights c as uniform here. c do j=1,iabv weight(j)=one end do c 777 format (11f6.2) c c c write (6,*) 'read in: ' write (6,*) iabv, ' time series' write (6,*) nscan, ' sequential time snapshots of data...' c c for each time series, subtract mean, normalize by standard c deviation for each month, c also set weights for the different dataseries. c ( for the the present case, all dataseries are equally weighted for c analysis) c c open (unit=15,file='svd-means.out', $ status='unknown') open (unit=16,file='svd-sigmas.out', $ status='unknown') do j=1,iabv sum=0.0 var = 0.0 do i=nbeg,nend sum=sum+a(i,j) end do datave(j)=sum/float(neval) inew = 0 do i=nbeg,nend inew = inew+1 anew(inew,j)=a(i,j)-datave(j) var =var + anew(inew,j)**2 end do sd(j)=sqrt(var/float(neval)) do i=1,neval anew(i,j)=weight(j)*anew(i,j)/sd(j) end do write (15,*) j,datave(j) write (16,*) j,sd(j) end do close (unit=15) close (unit=16) c c open output files c do i=1,nwin cfnum = char(48+i) filename = 'evals-'//cfnum//'.out' open (unit=13+i-1,file=filename, $ status='unknown') end do c c construct tapers appropriate for window width c npts = nmove call taper(npts,nwin,ell) c write (6,*) 'nscan ',nscan write (6,*) 'neval ',neval write (6,*) 'nbeg ',nbeg write (6,*) 'nend ',nend write (6,*) 'dt ',dt write (6,*) 'nmove ',nmove write (6,*) 'ninterv ',ninterv niter = (neval-nmove)/ninterv + 1 write (6,*) 'beginning 1st of ',niter, ' iteration/s...' c c begin moving time window loop c do it = 1,niter n1 = 1+(it-1)*ninterv n2 = n1+npts-1 ncent = (n1+n2-1)/2 c c calculate DFTs for each gridpoint c do ii=1,iabv c demean gridpoint series locally sum = 0. do i=n1,n2 sum = sum+anew(i,ii) end do sum = sum/float(n2-n1+1) do iwin=1,nwin do i=1,npad b1(i)=0. end do do i=n1,n2 b1(i-n1+1)=(anew(i,ii)-sum)*tas(i+1-n1,iwin) end do call realft(b1,npad/2,1) b1(npad-1)=b1(2) b1(npad)=0. b1(2)=0. do iif=1,nfmax iwhere = 2*(nf1+iif)-1 ar=b1(iwhere) ai=b1(iwhere+1) AAA(ii,iwin,iif)=cmplx(ar,ai) end do end do c c terminate DFT calculation c end do c c perform SVD for given time and frequency c do iif =1,nfmax do ii=1,iabv do iwin=1,nwin AA(ii,iwin)=1.d0*AAA(ii,iwin,iif) end do end do c c perform SVD c call CSVD(AA,mmax,nwin,M,N,IP,NU,NV,S,UU,VV) c c c determine local fractional variances c sum = 0.d0 do i=1,nwin sum = sum + S(i)**2 partsum(i)=0.0 do j=i,nwin partsum(i)=partsum(i)+S(j)**2 end do end do freq = (iif-1)*ddf+f1 singval = real(S(1)) fracvar = real(S(1)**2/sum) if (itype.eq.1) then write (13,6666) freq,float(ncent+nbeg-1)*dt, $ fracvar,singval,iif else write (13,7777) freq,fracvar,singval,iif endif do i=2,nwin singval = real(S(i)) fracvar = real(S(i)**2/sum) partvar = real(S(i)**2/partsum(i)) if (itype.eq.1) then write (13+i-1,888) freq,float(ncent+nbeg-1)*dt, $ partvar,fracvar,singval,iif else write (13+i-1,999) freq, partvar,fracvar,singval,iif endif end do c c terminate frequency loop c end do c c provide progress update c open (unit=12,file='svdevals-synth.status', $ status='unknown') if ((,niter/10).eq.0)) then write (12,*) it,' iterations of ',niter,' done...' write (6,*) it,' iterations of ',niter,' done...' endif close (unit=12) c c terminate time loop c end do write (6,*) 'done.' c c done -- close files c do i=1,nwin close (unit=13+i-1) end do close (unit=33) 888 format (f9.4,f6.2,2f9.4,f12.4,i6) 999 format (f9.4,2f9.4,f12.4,i6) 6666 format (f9.4,f6.2,f9.4,f12.4,i6) 7777 format (f9.4,f9.4,f12.4,i6) stop end c c c subroutine taper(n,nwin,el) c c to generate slepian tapers c ta is a real*4 array c c j. park c real*8 el,a,z,pi,ww,cs,ai,an,eps,rlu,rlb real*8 dfac,drat,gamma,bh,ell common/nnaamm/iwflag common/npiprol/anpi common/tapsum/tapsum(20),ell(20) common/work/ip(8194) common/taperzz/z(65536) ! we use this common block for scratch space common/stap2/ta(8192,16) dimension a(8192,8),el(10) data iwflag/0/,pi/3.14159265358979d0/ equivalence (a(1,1),ta(1,1)) an=dfloat(n) ww=dble(anpi)/an cs=dcos(2.d0*pi*ww) c initialize matrix for eispack subroutine c type *,'ww,cs,an',ww,cs,an do i=0,n-1 ai=dfloat(i) a(i+1,1)=-cs*((an-1.d0)/2.d0-ai)**2 a(i+1,2)=-ai*(an-ai)/2.d0 a(i+1,3)=a(i+1,2)**2 ! required by eispack routine end do eps=1.e-13 m11=1 call tridib(n,eps,a(1,1),a(1,2),a(1,3),rlb,rlu,m11,nwin,el,ip, x ierr,a(1,4),a(1,5)) c type *,ierr,rlb,rlu c call tnou('eigenvalues for the eigentapers') c type *,(el(i),i=1,nwin) call tinvit(n,n,a(1,1),a(1,2),a(1,3),nwin,el,ip,z,ierr, x a(1,4),a(1,5),a(1,6),a(1,7),a(1,8)) c we calculate the eigenvalues of the dirichlet-kernel problem c i.e. the bandwidth retention factors c from slepian 1978 asymptotic formula, gotten from thomson 1982 eq 2.5 c supplemented by the asymptotic formula for k near 2n from slepian 1978 eq 61 dfac=an*pi*ww drat=8.d0*dfac dfac=4.d0*dsqrt(pi*dfac)*dexp(-2.d0*dfac) do k=1,nwin el(k)=1.d0-dfac dfac=dfac*drat/k ! is this correct formula? yes,but fails as k -> 2n end do c call tnou('eigenvalues for the eigentapers (small k)') c type *,(el(i),i=1,nwin) gamma=dlog(8.d0*an*dsin(2.d0*pi*ww))+0.5772156649d0 do k=1,nwin bh=-2.d0*pi*(an*ww-dfloat(k-1)/2.d0-.25d0)/gamma ell(k)=1.d0/(1.d0+dexp(pi*bh)) end do c call tnou('eigenvalues for the eigentapers (k near 2n)') c type *,(ell(i),i=1,nwin) do i=1,nwin el(i)=dmax1(ell(i),el(i)) end do c call tnou('composite asymptotics for taper eigenvalues') c type *,(el(i),i=1,nwin) c normalize the eigentapers to preserve power for a white process c i.e. they have rms value unity do k=1,nwin kk=(k-1)*n tapsum(k)=0. tapsq=0. do i=1,n aa=z(kk+i) ta(i,k)=aa tapsum(k)=tapsum(k)+aa tapsq=tapsq+aa*aa end do aa=sqrt(tapsq/n) tapsum(k)=tapsum(k)/aa do i=1,n ta(i,k)=ta(i,k)/aa end do end do c type *,'tapsum',(tapsum(i),i=1,nwin) c refft preserves amplitudes with zeropadding c zum beispiel: a(i)=1.,i=1,100 will transform at zero freq to b(f=0.)=100 c no matter how much zero padding is done c therefore we need not doctor the taper normalization, c but wait until the fft to force the desired units iwflag=1 return end c c c SUBROUTINE CSVD (A,MMAX,NMAX,M,N,IP,NU,NV,S,U,V) C C Singular value decomposition of an M by N complex matrix A, C where M .GT. N . The singular values are stored in the vector C S. The first NU columns of the M by M unitary matrix U and the C first NV columns of the N by N unitary matrix V that minimize C Det(A-USV*) are also computed. C C C P.A. Businger and G.H. Golub, "Singular Value Decomposition C of a Complex Matrix," Communications of the ACM, vol. 12, C pp. 564-565, October 1969. C C This algorithm is reprinted by permission, Association for C Computing Machinery; copyright 1969. C parameter (nwork=10000) COMPLEX *16 A(MMAX,NMAX),U(MMAX,MMAX),V(NMAX,NMAX),Q,R REAL *8 S(NMAX),B(nwork),C(nwork),T(nwork),zero,one,ETA,TOL, $ EPS ETA = 1.2d-7 TOL = 2.4d-32 zero = 0.d0 one = 1.d0 NP=N+IP N1=N+1 C Householder reduction C(1)=zero K=1 10 K1=K+1 C Elimination of A(I,K) , I=K+1,...,M Z=zero DO 20 I=K,M 20 Z=Z+REAL(A(I,K))**2+dIMAG(A(I,K))**2 B(K)=zero IF (Z .LE. TOL) GO TO 70 Z=SQRT(Z) B(K)=Z W=CdABS(A(K,K)) Q=dcmplx(one,zero) IF (W .NE. zero) Q=A(K,K)/W A(K,K)=Q*(Z+W) IF (K .EQ. NP) GO TO 70 DO 50 J=K1,NP Q=dcmplx(zero,zero) DO 30 I=K,M 30 Q=Q+dCONJG(A(I,K))*A(I,J) Q=Q/(Z*(Z+W)) DO 40 I=K,M 40 A(I,J)=A(I,J)-Q*A(I,K) 50 CONTINUE C Phase transformation Q=-dCONJG(A(K,K))/CdABS(A(K,K)) DO 60 J=K1,NP 60 A(K,J)=Q*A(K,J) C Elimination of A(K,J) , J=K+2,...,N 70 IF (K .EQ. N) GO TO 140 Z=zero DO 80 J=K1,N 80 Z=Z+REAL(A(K,J))**2+dIMAG(A(K,J))**2 C(K1)=zero IF (Z .LE. TOL) GO TO 130 Z=SQRT(Z) C(K1)=Z W=CdABS(A(K,K1)) Q=dcmplx(one,zero) IF (W .NE. zero) Q=A(K,K1)/W A(K,K1)=Q*(Z+W) DO 110 I=K1,M Q=dcmplx(zero,zero) DO 90 J=K1,N 90 Q=Q+dCONJG(A(K,J))*A(I,J) Q=Q/(Z*(Z+W)) DO 100 J=K1,N 100 A(I,J)=A(I,J)-Q*A(K,J) 110 CONTINUE C Phase transformation Q=-dCONJG(A(K,K1))/CdABS(A(K,K1)) DO 120 I=K1,M 120 A(I,K1)=A(I,K1)*Q 130 K=K1 GO TO 10 C Tolerance for negligible elements 140 EPS=zero DO 150 K=1,N S(K)=B(K) T(K)=C(K) 150 EPS=DMAX1(EPS,S(K)+T(K)) EPS=EPS*ETA C Initialization of U and V IF (NU .EQ. 0) GO TO 180 DO 170 J=1,NU DO 160 I=1,M 160 U(I,J)=dcmplx(zero,zero) 170 U(J,J)=dcmplx(one,zero) 180 IF (NV .EQ. 0) GO TO 210 DO 200 J=1,NV DO 190 I=1,N 190 V(I,J)=dcmplx(zero,zero) 200 V(J,J)=dcmplx(one,zero) C QR diagonalization 210 DO 380 KK=1,N K=N1-KK C Test for split 220 DO 230 LL=1,K L=K+1-LL IF (ABS(T(L)) .LE. EPS) GO TO 290 IF (ABS(S(L-1)) .LE. EPS) GO TO 240 230 CONTINUE C Cancellation of B(L) 240 CS=zero SN=one L1=L-1 DO 280 I=L,K F=SN*T(I) T(I)=CS*T(I) IF (ABS(F) .LE. EPS) GO TO 290 H=S(I) W=SQRT(F*F+H*H) S(I)=W CS=H/W SN=-F/W IF (NU .EQ. 0) GO TO 260 DO 250 J=1,N X=REAL(U(J,L1)) Y=REAL(U(J,I)) U(J,L1)=dCMPLX(X*CS+Y*SN,0.) 250 U(J,I)=dCMPLX(Y*CS-X*SN,0.) 260 IF (NP .EQ. N) GO TO 280 DO 270 J=N1,NP Q=A(L1,J) R=A(I,J) A(L1,J)=Q*CS+R*SN 270 A(I,J)=R*CS-Q*SN 280 CONTINUE C Test for convergence 290 W=S(K) IF (L .EQ. K) GO TO 360 C Origin shift X=S(L) Y=S(K-1) G=T(K-1) H=T(K) F=((Y-W)*(Y+W)+(G-H)*(G+H))/(2.d0*H*Y) G=SQRT(F*F+one) IF (F .LT. zero) G=-G F=((X-W)*(X+W)+(Y/(F+G)-H)*H)/X C QR step CS=one SN=one L1=L+1 DO 350 I=L1,K G=T(I) Y=S(I) H=SN*G G=CS*G W=SQRT(H*H+F*F) T(I-1)=W CS=F/W SN=H/W F=X*CS+G*SN G=G*CS-X*SN H=Y*SN Y=Y*CS IF (NV .EQ. 0) GO TO 310 DO 300 J=1,N X=REAL(V(J,I-1)) W=REAL(V(J,I)) V(J,I-1)=dCMPLX(X*CS+W*SN,0.) 300 V(J,I)=dCMPLX(W*CS-X*SN,0.) 310 W=SQRT(H*H+F*F) S(I-1)=W CS=F/W SN=H/W F=CS*G+SN*Y X=CS*Y-SN*G IF (NU .EQ. 0) GO TO 330 DO 320 J=1,N Y=REAL(U(J,I-1)) W=REAL(U(J,I)) U(J,I-1)=dCMPLX(Y*CS+W*SN,0.) 320 U(J,I)=dCMPLX(W*CS-Y*SN,0.) 330 IF (N .EQ. NP) GO TO 350 DO 340 J=N1,NP Q=A(I-1,J) R=A(I,J) A(I-1,J)=Q*CS+R*SN 340 A(I,J)=R*CS-Q*SN 350 CONTINUE T(L)=zero T(K)=F S(K)=X GO TO 220 C Convergence 360 IF (W .GE. zero) GO TO 380 S(K)=-W IF (NV .EQ. 0) GO TO 380 DO 370 J=1,N 370 V(J,K)=-V(J,K) 380 CONTINUE C Sort singular values DO 450 K=1,N G=-one J=K DO 390 I=K,N IF (S(I) .LE. G) GO TO 390 G=S(I) J=I 390 CONTINUE IF (J .EQ. K) GO TO 450 S(J)=S(K) S(K)=G IF (NV .EQ. 0) GO TO 410 DO 400 I=1,N Q=V(I,J) V(I,J)=V(I,K) 400 V(I,K)=Q 410 IF (NU .EQ. 0) GO TO 430 DO 420 I=1,N Q=U(I,J) U(I,J)=U(I,K) 420 U(I,K)=Q 430 IF (N .EQ. NP) GO TO 450 DO 440 I=N1,NP Q=A(J,I) A(J,I)=A(K,I) 440 A(K,I)=Q 450 CONTINUE C Back transformation IF (NU .EQ. 0) GO TO 510 DO 500 KK=1,N K=N1-KK IF (B(K) .EQ. zero) GO TO 500 Q=-A(K,K)/CdABS(A(K,K)) DO 460 J=1,NU 460 U(K,J)=Q*U(K,J) DO 490 J=1,NU Q=dcmplx(zero,zero) DO 470 I=K,M 470 Q=Q+dCONJG(A(I,K))*U(I,J) Q=Q/(CdABS(A(K,K))*B(K)) DO 480 I=K,M 480 U(I,J)=U(I,J)-Q*A(I,K) 490 CONTINUE 500 CONTINUE 510 IF (NV .EQ. 0) GO TO 570 IF (N .LT. 2) GO TO 570 DO 560 KK=2,N K=N1-KK K1=K+1 IF (C(K1) .EQ. zero) GO TO 560 Q=-dCONJG(A(K,K1))/CdABS(A(K,K1)) DO 520 J=1,NV 520 V(K1,J)=Q*V(K1,J) DO 550 J=1,NV Q=dcmplx(zero,zero) DO 530 I=K1,N 530 Q=Q+A(K,I)*V(I,J) Q=Q/(CdABS(A(K,K1))*C(K1)) DO 540 I=K1,N 540 V(I,J)=V(I,J)-Q*dCONJG(A(K,I)) 550 CONTINUE 560 CONTINUE 570 RETURN END