Researchers make prediction for 2009 North Atlantic Hurricane Season
Dr. Michael Mann and graduate student Tom Sabbatelli have made a prediction for the 2009 Hurricane season using the statistical model outlined in their 2007 paper in the Journal of Geophysical Research.

Climate change show features Penn State faculty
Dr. Michael Mann and Dr. Richard Alley were both interviewed for a program called "How do we know? Physics, Forcings, and Fingerprints," which is part of the National Science Foundation's "To What Degree? What Science is Telling Us About Climate Change" series on the Research Channel.
Watch the show >>

New Research Shows Antarctica Melting, Not Cooling
A new study published in the journal Nature takes a closer look at climate trends in Antarctica and finds that the continent is warming. Co-authored by Dr. Michael Mann, the study represents a reversal from earlier beliefs that Antarctica was cooling.
Nature editor's summary >>

Mann pens new book on global warming and the IPCC report
Dr. Michael Mann and Dr. Lee Kump have recently published a new book: Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming.
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Global warming greatest in the past decade
Dr. Michael Mann has recently published a new article in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences detailing the latest reconstructions of the temperature record for the past 1300 years. This research shows that the temperatures in the last decade are the warmest over this period.
Article from the Christian Science Monitor >>

Climate Ethics and Real Climate named one of the Top Green web sites by Time magazine
Climate change blogs Climate Ethics (created by Penn State's Rock Ethics Institute) and Real Climate (co-founded by Dr. Michael Mann) were among the Top 15 Green web sites recognized by Time magazine in the April 28, 2008 special environmental issue.
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The article in Time >>

Past hurricane counts accurate
Dr. Michael Mann and his student Thomas Sabbatelli have examined the hurricane and tropical storm counts back to 1870 and determined that the counts are largely reliable, disputing earlier claims that the counts may be underestimating by as much as 3 storms per year. This research is presented in a paper published in Geophysical Research Letters.
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Read the paper (PDF) >>

Dr. Michael Mann part of Nobel-winning IPCC panel
The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to former Vice President Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
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Geotimes Profiles: Gavin Schmidt and Michael Mann
Carolyn Gramling of Geotimes presents this discussion with the creators of, including Dr. Michael Mann.
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Big storms double since last century
Discovery News tackles a recently published journal article about the increasing frequency of tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic in the last century. Dr. Michael Mann comments on the article and correlation of rising sea surface temperatures to tropical cyclone activity.
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More Forecasts of an Active Atlantic Hurricane Season
Science blogger Chris Mooney reports on predictions of another active hurricane season in the North Atlantic. He also points to an upcoming paper in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres from Mr. Thomas Sabbatelli and Dr. Michael Mann on a new tropical forecasting method which takes into account both sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and the state of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
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A Convenient Untruth
Vanity Fair's "Green Issue" for May 2007 features this article where various scientists and experts, including Dr. Michael Mann, respond to comments from climate change skeptics. Dr. Mann responds to various criticisms surrounding the "hockey-stick" graph of temperatures over the past millennia. The ESSC is also mentioned as a resource for this "Green Issue."
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Is Earth near its 'tipping points' from global warming?
USA Today reports on potentially devastating impacts of climate change on the planet based on the recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Dr. Michael Mann cautions that the report's conclusions may be a bit conservative, since it lacks input from groundbreaking research from the last several months.
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Scientists debate the influence of solar activity on observed warming
In this article from LiveScience, the debate over solar activity and global warming is presented. Astronomers have noted warming trends on other planets, leading them to speculate that Earth's warming is also influenced by increased solar activity. Dr. Michael Mann counters that changes in solar activity accounts for a small fraction (less than 1%) of Earth's warming.
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Accu-Weather's Headline: Earth profiles Dr. Michael Mann
Accu-Weather's Global Warming Center hosts blogs and videos about the latest climate change headlines and interviews prominent scientists. Watch this week's video clip to see an interview with Dr. Michael Mann.
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Is Warm January a Sign of Good Luck, or Bad Times?
Robert Seigel from NPR's All Things Considered interviews Dr. Michael Mann on the causes of the unseasonably warm winter and warmest year ever. Dr. Mann discusses how blaming the warm winter solely on El Nino may not be painting a complete or accurate picture of the climate.
Read more or Listen to interview >>
RealClimate post >>

The Ununited States, When It Comes to the Weather
Recent record snowstorms in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains while the eastern seaboard experience spring-like record warmth has demonstrated how different parts of the United States can have differing opinions on the state of climate due to local weather conditions. The New York Times examines this issue, interviewing Dr. Michael Mann and others.
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Older (pre-2007) news stories can be found in the news archive