This directory contains: insfilled: (5 degree longitude x 5 degree latitude) annual instrumental field generated from HadCRUT3v at The gridboxes that have less then 10% of annual data are removed. The missing data were infilled based on the RegEM method. toofew: A list of removed gridboxes that have less than 10% of annual data. enough: A list of gridboxes that have more than 10% of annual data. Ismask_jones.dat: A dataset that masks global land gridboxes. CRU_NH_reform: Northern Hemisphere (LAND) annual mean temperature from HAD_NH_reform: Northern Hemisphere (LAND+OCEAN) annual mean temperature from CRU_SH_reform: Southern Hemisphere (LAND) annual mean temperature from HAD_SH_reform: Southern Hemisphere (LAND+OCEAN) annual mean temperature from iCRU_NH_reform: Northern Hemisphere (LAND) annual mean temperature generated from infilled dataset (insfilled). iHAD_NH_reform: Northern Hemisphere (LAND+OCEAN) annual mean temperature generated from infilled dataset (insfilled). iCRU_SH_reform: Southern Hemisphere (LAND) annual mean temperature generated from infilled dataset (insfilled). iHAD_SH_reform: Southern Hemisphere (LAND+OCEAN) annual mean temperature generated from infilled dataset (insfilled).