Input data required for the code used in this publication: Text files: T_clim_JJA_NH_ERA.dat: climatological surface air temperature profiles from ERA interim T_QRA_JJA_NH_ERA.dat: zonal surface air temperature profiles during resonance events detected in 1979 - 2015 ERA interim GISTEMP_latband_JJA: zonal mean surface air temperature profiles from GISTEMP HadCRUT_latband: zonal mean surface air temperature profiles from HadCRUT4 HadCRUT_krig_latband: zonal mean surface air temperature profiles from HadCRUT4 infilled by kriging (from Cowtan and Way) Matlab binary files: cmip5hmisc_latband_ta.mat: air temperature profiles from the CMIP5 histmisc runs cmip5hmisc_latband_ua.mat: zonal wind profiles from the CMIP5 histmisc runs cmip5hist_latband_ta.mat: air temperature profiles from the CMIP5 historical runs cmip5hist_latband_ua.mat: zonal wind profiles from the CMIP5 historical runs