Course-Related Readings

Lecture 1 (Introduction):

Tutorial on Spherical Coordinates


Module 1: Climate Data and Statistics

Lecture 2-3 (Normal Distribution; Autocorrelation; Extremes):

Review of Basic Statistical Analysis Methods for Analyzing Data - Part 1 (from my online course Meteo 469)

Lecture 4 (Regression-Trends):

Review of Basic Statistical Analysis Methods for Analyzing Data - Part 2 (from my online course Meteo 469)

Lecture 5 (Regression-Statistical Modeling):

Review of Basic Statistical Analysis Methods for Analyzing Data - Part 3 (from my online course Meteo 469)



Module 2: Zero-Dimensional Energy Balance Model

Lecture 6 (Estimating global average temperature; Greenhouse Effect):

Zero-Dimensional EBM description (from A Climate Modeling Primer by McGuffie and Henderson-Sellers)


Lectures 7-8 (Modeling Historical Temperature Changes; Climate Sensitivity; Projecting Future Warming):

Mann, M.E., False HopeScientific American, 310, 78-81, 2014.



Module 3: One-Dimensional Energy Balance Model

Lecture 9-11 (Meridional energy balance; Atmospheric heat transport; Snowball Earth; Hysteresis):

One-Dimensional EBM description (from A Climate Modeling Primer by McGuffie and Henderson-Sellers)



Module 4: Role of Ocean Circulation

Lecture 12 (The AMOC; The Stommel Two-Box Model):

Box Models of The Thermohaline Circulation (from D.B. Haldvogel & F.O. Bryan in Climate System Modeling, edited by K. Trenberth)

Lecture 13 (“The Day After Tomorrow”; The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation):

What’s Going on in the North Atlantic” by Stefan Rahmstorf,

 Climate Oscillations and the Global Warming Faux Pause” by Michael Mann,

Lecture 14 (The Stommel Model of the Ocean Gyre):

The Wind-Driven Ocean (from D.B. Haldvogel & F.O. Bryan in Climate System Modeling, edited by K. Trenberth)

 (see also the Original Stommel (1948) article on subtropical gyres)

Lecture 15 (Ocean Gyres and Heat Transport; The Pacific Decadal Oscillation):

Wikipedia page on the Pacific Decadal Oscillation ("PDO")


Is Pacific Decadal Oscillation The Smoking Gun? By John Cross,


Module 5: The El Nino/Southern Oscillation

Lecture 16 (ENSO Basics):

Wikipedia page on the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO)

Lecture 17 (The Delayed-Oscillator Model):

Mechanisms of Delayed Oscillator Model (from D.B. Haldvogel & F.O. Bryan in Climate System Modeling, edited by K. Trenberth)

Lecture 18 (The Cane-Zebiak Model):

A Model El Nino-Southern Oscillation, by M.A. Cane, and S.E. Zebiak, Monthly Weather Review, 115, 2262-2278, 1987  

Lecture 19 (Climate Change and El Nino):

Twentieth Century Sea Surface Temperature Trends, by M.A. Cane et al, Science, 275, 957-960, 1997  


Module 6: Climate Modeling and Climate Change

Lecture 20 (General Circulation Models):

Efficient Three-Dimensional Global Models for Climate Studies by J. Hansen et al, Monthly Weather Review, 111, 609-661, 1983.

(see also the ‘Ed GCM’ project at Columbia University)

            lecture 21 (IPCC; Anthropogenic Climate Change):

Summary For Policy Makers, Working Group 1 Report, IPCC 5th Assessment, 2013.

lecture 22-23 (An Inconvenient Truth):

RealClimate article: Al Gore’s Movie